Monday, August 9, 2010

Cool ELT Sites

Check out the British Council's Learning English website. There are many activities that can be adapted and used by teachers in their classrooms. For older learners, perhaps we can try stretching their imagination with these podcasts based on stories and poems. They come with activities you can download or do online.Do check it out!

If you are keen to incorporate interactive websites and games in your classroom, look no further. Teacher Tap is the hub for all the aforementioned activities that could help to stimulate our students' interests in learning. What I personally like about Teacher Tap is how it is segmented into various categories such as Interactive Games, Simulation, Quizzes, Drill and Practice. This would definitely help teachers in identifying appropriate activities that cater to the students' proficiency level and needs. 

p/s: I miss my students very much! I do hope I would recover soon. Thank you to those who jotted down heartfelt messages & words of encouragement. Thank you for visiting my blog.