Wednesday, June 2, 2010

19th MELTA International Conference

I'll be attending the 19th MELTA International Conference in KL from 7-8th June 2010. The two day conference would be held at The Royale Chulan and I'll be presenting my paper, Utilising Web 2.0. Technologies in Teaching the New KBSM English Literature Component. In my paper, I hope to share my findings and experience on the use of Web 2.0. technologies in teaching the English Lit Component so far. To me, attending this seminar would be a good platform to learn and exchange ideas on essential issues relating to ELT in Malaysia and in other countries as well.

According to the schedule, I'll be presenting on the second day at 8.35 a.m. Oh my, talk about being the early bird! Oh well, hope everything will turn out well sans technical glitch.  Later on at 11.30 a.m. onwards, I'll be participating in the Teacher Showcase Event. It is a special conference event that provides English Language Education practitioners with an opportunity to showcase best practices and teaching materials that have been effectively used within one or more contexts/ classroom/ teaching-learning situations.In this context, I will be presenting and sharing MY LIT PROJECT with the conference participants. This is the 2nd time I'm taking part and to be honest, I am participating because I believe that as a teacher, we need to share our ideas with our colleagues and students and who knows, it might be resourceful to others as well. By the way, I've uploaded two video presentations on Latiff Mohidin's In The Midst Of Hardship and Bibsy Soenharjo's He Had Such Quiet Eyes. It's a Project Based Learning activity that I've conducted with my Form 4SN1 recently and they definitely enjoy the session very much. Do check it out!